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Search for projects with tag "natural regeneration"

[ID: 475] Naturlig föryngring och skärmskogsbruk med tall

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Naturlig föryngring och skärmskogsbruk med tall. Karlssons försöksserie och demoförsök SKS.

skärmshelterwoodnatural regenerationscots pineccf

[ID: 119] Natural regeneration of birch in northern and mid Sweden

PI: Felicia Lidman

Study of birch seedling germination depending on soil moisture, different soil scarification intensities, time since soil scarification and seed rain. Layout: Natural regeneration and seeding of Birch in different combinations of soil scarification and soil moisture. 3 different soil preparations and 3 different soil moisture classes are monitored: - Dry, mesic moist. - Bare mineral soil, mixture with org.m. and and mineral soil and a control. Location: 108 plots outside Vindeln (Buberget and Pompej) and 108 plots outside Tierp (Tierp and Dragongate). one plot was 1 x 1.5 m.

betula pendulabetula pubescensnatural regenerationbirch

[ID: 74] 2402 Kuosavaara

PI: Ulla Nylander

Different silvicultural alternatives for treatment of a degenerated forest in harsh climate (67°N, 460 m.a.s.l.) are investigated in this field trial established in 1983/84 with 32 parcels à 0.1 ha.

natural regenerationseed treessheltersclear-cutsstand developmentscots pinenorway sprucedowny birchlodge-pole pine