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[ID: 475] Naturlig föryngring och skärmskogsbruk med tall

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Naturlig föryngring och skärmskogsbruk med tall. Karlssons försöksserie och demoförsök SKS.

skärmshelterwoodnatural regenerationscots pineccf

[ID: 208] Storm damage in thinned Scots Pine and Contorta stands following the storm Ivar 2013

PI: Martin Ahlström

Following the storm Ivar in 2013 the forest company SCA conducted a damage inventory in thinned stands of Scots Pine and Contorta. The full data set is based on (i) the damage inventory, (2) stand data from SCA:s stand register, (iii) forest inventory data based on laser scanning data from LMV (iv) elevation from LMV national elevation model, and (v) soil moisture class. The aim of the project is to analyse and publish the data.

contortascots pinewindthrow

[ID: 74] 2402 Kuosavaara

PI: Ulla Nylander

Different silvicultural alternatives for treatment of a degenerated forest in harsh climate (67°N, 460 m.a.s.l.) are investigated in this field trial established in 1983/84 with 32 parcels à 0.1 ha.

natural regenerationseed treessheltersclear-cutsstand developmentscots pinenorway sprucedowny birchlodge-pole pine

[ID: 71] 1515 Lilla Laxsjön

PI: Ulla Nylander

Data from experiment 1515 Lilla Laxsjön, a high-altitude site with a harsh climate in the municipality of Arjeplog. Ten randomised blocks, each including three parcels. Three treatment levels: a pure Scots pine stand, a pure Norway spruce stand and a stand with Scots pine and Norway spruce in equal numbers.

mixed stand yieldnorway sprucescots pinesite variabilityfield-layer vegetation