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Search for projects with tag "boreal forests"

[ID: 465] Biodiversa

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Botanical survey for Soil Biodiversity Pilot. Biodiversa+ is the European co-funded biodiversity partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for policy and society. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation and DG Environment) and was officially launched on 1 October 2021.

biodiversityboreal forestssoilpilot

[ID: 243] Ecosystem carbon and water fluxes in boreal forests

PI: Matthias Peichl

This project explores the ecosystem carbon and water fluxes at the Rosinedal and Svartberget forests using the eddy covariance technique. At Rosinedal, we also investigate the effect of ecosystem-scale N addition on these fluxes. The project is part of the Wallenberg project: Branchpoints. From 2022 supported by SITES

boreal forestscarbon and water fluxeseddy covariance