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Search for projects with tag "soil"

[ID: 479] Influence of Tree Species on Soil Carbon Cycling across Boreal Forest Ecosystems

PI: Xanthe J Walker

This research aims to assess the influence of vegetation composition, climate, and disturbance history on soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation. We will compare the mean residence time of SOC in spruce, pine, birch, and aspen-dominated forest ecosystems located near three separate research stations in Sweden and Finland. These sites range in species present, climate, and disturbance history. We will then assess how SOC accumulation in these forests compare to our studies in boreal North America (Alaska, USA, and the Northwest Territories and Yukon Territories of Canada). Our comparative approach will enhance our current scientific understanding of the drivers of SOC accumulation with ongoing climate warming.

soilcarbontree species

[ID: 465] Biodiversa

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Botanical survey for Soil Biodiversity Pilot. Biodiversa+ is the European co-funded biodiversity partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for policy and society. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation and DG Environment) and was officially launched on 1 October 2021.

biodiversityboreal forestssoilpilot

[ID: 360] Non-symbiotic N2 fixation in forest soils

PI: Eduardo Vazquez Garcia

We aim to evaluate the non-symbiotic N2 fixation in forest soils. We are planning to collect soil samples from approx. 15 sites of the thinning-fertilization long-term experiment to measure the non-symbiotic N2 fixation in soils. We expect to collect samples along a latitudinal gradient in order to evaluate the effect of temperature on non-symbiotic N2 fixation.

N2 fixationforestsoilnitrogentemperature gradient

[ID: 194] Nitrogen deposition and soil phosphorus

PI: Benjamin Forsmark

Does long-term nitrogen deposition lead to increased microbial mining for phosphorus in organic and mineral soils, and what is the consequence for the soil carbon sink? This project use the long-term nitrogen addition experiment at Svartberget and ingrowth cores with needle litter, humus, and mineral soil with and without elevated phosphorus content. Substrates were collected in a phosphorus addition experiment in the Tönnersjöheden research forest in Halland.

nitrogen depositionsoilphosphorus

[ID: 189] Nitrogen deposition and soil respiration

PI: Benjamin Forsmark

Nitrogen deposition can enhance the boreal forest carbon sink but the amount of carbon stored in the soil per unit of nitrogen deposition is likely to depend on competition for nitrogen between different sinks in the soil. In this project we use the Åheden long-term nitrogen addition experiment and a root trenching treatment to study the impact of a gradient of simulated nitrogen deposition rates on the emissions of carbon from respiration in the tree root zone, as well as from free living heterotrophic organisms.


[ID: 151] The impacts of long-term, high intensity N addition on soil organic matter accumulation in a boreal forest

PI: Shun Hasegawa

N addition is reported to influence decomposition of soil organic matters and potentially enhance carbon accumulation in boreal or temperate forests. Here, we investigate the effect of chronic N addition on boreal forests situated in norther Sweden with an aim of discerning the mechanisms altering the balance of accumulation and decomposition of soil organic matters. We will collect soil samples from the organic layer at Svartberget, Åheden, Rosinedal, Flakaliden and analyze molecular composition of soil organic matters as well as enzymatic activities responsible for C decomposition.

nitrogencarbonsoilorganic matterdecompositionmicrobeboreal forest

[ID: 120] Biochar management

PI: Michael Gundale

We have set up a replicated (n=6) experiment testing for the effect of biochar addition to soil, and a wide range of properties. The experiment consists of 4 treatments, control, soil mixing, biochar addition, and biochar and mixing. The experiment is set up at Åhedon, near Svartberget field station.

biocharcarbon sequestrationsoilforest growth